State Rep. Doug Wozniak, R-Shelby Township, issued the following statement on the passage of House Bills 4001 and 4002, the first two bills of the legislative term, which will restore the tip credit and protect small businesses from intrusive paid sick time mandates. The bills passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support.
“I was proud to stand with my House Republican colleagues today in securing the passage of this key legislation to protect tipped workers and small businesses. There is no more critical issue facing our state right now, so I’m glad we made finding these essential solutions our top priority this term.
“I don’t think people realize quite how damaging it would be if these paid sick time requirements actually happen. I owned and managed a law office for much of my professional career. I cannot imagine having to navigate these requirements, and I’m a lawyer. It would be impossible to maintain a productive office if employees could just choose to not show up and be legally protected from facing the consequences of those decisions. These are the type of backward policies that we’re committed to ensuring never actually become law.”
HB 4001 ensures the tip credit is maintained at 38% while allowing for reasonable annual minimum wage increases. Leaving the tip credit at its current level allows servers and other tipped wage workers to continue earning far beyond minimum wage through their tips.
HB 4002 allows workers and small businesses to retain the paid leave options that work for them. The plan also clarifies the looming rules, viewed by many as a one-size-fits-all mandate that is unrealistic and so confusing even lawyers can’t understand.

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