Tuesday, May 7th, 2024
I ABSTAINED from voting on HB 5434 (Rep. Glanville) Would designate a portion of M-11 in Kent County as the “Korean War Veterans Memorial Drive.” EXPLANATION: This was not the right timing for the bill to come forward based on internal conversations. It would have had my support at a later date.
PASSED: 56-1
I voted NO on HB 5127 (Rep. McFall) Would expand eligibility for disabled veteran license plates to include partially disabled veterans. EXPLANATION: Codifying that preferential treatment and more exemptions be given to small groups of people is simply feel good legislation. Our brave men and women deserve the decency of a declaration of war under article 1 section 8, not feel good legislation and disrespect for their lives.
FAILED: 55-6
Wednesday May 8th, 2024
I voted NO on HB 5500-5517 (Reps. Hood, Morse, Witwer, Snyder, Weiss, Steckloff, O’Neal, Morgan, Brixie, Skaggs, Wilson, Brabec) Budgets for MiLEAP, LEO, School aid, Community colleges, Higher education, Michigan Department of Education, Corrections , Military and Veterans Affairs, Michigan State Police, Ag and Rural Development, Department of Natural Resources, DIFS, LARA, Judiciary, General Government, and Transportation. EXPLANATION: As would be predicted, these democrat spending bills are bloated, misguided, full of pork, and other misuse. These budgets continue unchecked expansion of welfare and do not give hardworking taxpayers a return on their investments. Continued reckless spending goes against our responsibility as legislators.
PASSED: 56-50 (5500, 5501, 5503, 5505, 5507, 5556), 56-47 (5504), 57-48 (5509), 56-49 (5502, 5506, 5508, 5511-5517, 5499)
I voted NO on SB 817 (Sen. Cherry) Bill includes a list of projects, totalling $27.3 million for 18 land acquisition and 35 recreational development projects supported with revenues from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF). EXPLANATION: There are a lot better things to do with all this money so it should not be spent until a day when it can be freed up, therefore saving taxpayer money.
PASSED: 98-7
Thursday May 9th, 2024
I voted NO on HB 5096 (Rep. Grant) Gives the Michigan Strategic Fund Board the authority/flexibility to designate new renaissance zones and authorizes the MSF to extend the existing renaissance zones. EXPLANATION: We shouldn’t be giving the MSF any more power or taking up legislation that is going to benefit only a particular municipality & hospital system.
PASSED: 69-38
I voted NO on HB 5534 (Sen. Breen) Would create a new act titled as the “Trial Court Funding Act of 2024.” The bill would grant new powers to the State Court Administrative Office to determine the amount of court costs that can be imposed on a criminal defendant at time of sentencing. EXPLANATION: The laundry list of communist buzzwords in this tie-barred bill is as long as they come; central planning, robin hooding, redistribution of wealth, new powers, removing local control, surrender. Instead of a government solution to a government made problem, the state should restore the court’s ability to arrest convicted criminals for nonpayment.
PASSED: 56-51
I voted NO on HB 4523 & 4525 (Reps. Hope & Filler) Would allow violent offenders to participate in Mental Health and Drug Treatment Court programs. EXPLANATION: The State doesn’t need to be creating multitudes of new “special” courts in order to “support the new thing” or pay for Lansings pet projects.
PASSED: 67-40, PASSED: 71-36
I voted NO on HB 4343 (Rep. Conlin) Would require the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) to submit a report to the legislature on “payday lending” institutions licensed under this act. EXPLANATION: Individuals should make agreements as they see fit whoever. This is making Michigan taxpayers and businesses foot the bill for responsibilities of those who should be making wise decisions on their own.
PASSED: 96-11
I voted NO on HB 5522 (Rep. ) Would expand the non-voting members of the Midwestern Higher Education Commission for Michigan to require that the Governor appoint the Director or designee of the Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP). EXPLANATION: This is an unnecessary addition that is only trying to prop-up MiLEAP and ensure the governor has more control of the Higher Education Commission.
PASSED: 69-38
I voted NO on SB 227 (Sen. Lauwers) Would require that emergency safety intervention through physical management in child caring institutions comply with standards under the Mental Health Code and any associated administrative rules. EXPLANATION: The use of seclusion or restraint should not be allowed under any circumstances.
PASSED: 103-4
I voted NO on SB 518 (Sen. Cavanagh) Would extend the date until when an interim teaching certificate (ITC) can be issued for special education. EXPLANATION: This will provide an opportunity to alleviate some of the special education teacher shortage, by allowing this extension our schools can be better staffed.
PASSED: 107-0

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