Representative Bill G. Schuette today announced an upcoming Facebook live tele-townhall event at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 19. The event will take place on Rep. Schuette’s official state Facebook page at www.facebook.com/StateRepSchuette.
“These additional options will provide people across the 95th House District in Midland and Gladwin counties with more flexibility to communicate directly with me and my office so they can make their voices heard,” Schuette said. “I remain committed to being available for people I represent across our communities, and I look forward to answering any questions they may have about an issue in Lansing or helping them navigate state government.”
This is just one of multiple upcoming ways for people in Midland and Gladwin counties to stay in touch with their state Representative.
Luke Derheim, who serves as legislative director for Rep. Schuette, will be available to answer questions or hear concerns from residents at a pair of office hours events on Tuesday, Feb. 18:
• 10-11 a.m. at the Beaverton Activity Center, located at 106 Tonkin Street in Beaverton.
• 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Midland Business Alliance, located at 300 Rodd Street in Midland.
In March, Schuette will be holding joint in-district events with Senator Roger Hauck. Details are forthcoming.
Those who wish to set up an appointment for either of the two times can do so by emailing Derheim at [email protected]. Walk-in meetings are also welcome.
Those unable to attend the office hours events or the live tele-townhall may contact Schuette’s office by calling (517) 373-0152 or emailing [email protected].

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