Legislator to lead Medicaid and Behavioral Health Subcommittee
State Rep. Greg VanWoerkom has been appointed to serve on the House Appropriations Committee, where he will chair the Subcommittee on Medicaid and Behavioral Health.
VanWoerkom has been passionate about producing a balanced budget and being a responsible steward of the people’s tax dollars since he was first elected to office in 2018. He previously chaired the House Appropriations General Government Subcommittee when Republicans last held majority in the 2022-23 term. He said he looks forward to helping shape the state budget now that Republicans are back at the helm in the state House.
“The people of Michigan voted overwhelmingly for Republicans to lead this body – and that means they have entrusted us to wisely appropriate their hard-earned tax dollars in ways that set our state up for success,” VanWoerkom said. “I’m pleased to have this opportunity to help streamline and best prioritize spending as it relates to health care and mental health care for our state’s vulnerable populations.”
VanWoerkom was also appointed to serve as vice-chair of Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and as a member of the subcommittees on Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and Insurance and Financial Services, and Labor and Economic Opportunity.
Local residents can tune into every committee meeting online, and can subscribe to committee notices via the Legislature’s website.
Visit www.RepVanWoerkom.com to stay up to date on the representative’s activity at the capital.

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