Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Meerman introduces plan to fund school safety measures
RELEASE|September 30, 2022
Contact: Luke Meerman

State Rep. Luke Meerman has introduced a funding measure to advance multiple school safety improvements.

The objectives included in the funding plan were outlined by the School Safety Task Force, which Meerman helped lead.

“We continue to work to implement school safety solutions brought forth by the task force,” Meerman said. “There’s nothing more important than the safety of our young people, and this plan will fund priorities that support our students and their schools.”

The proposed budget supplemental would:

  • Fund the Student Mental Health Apprenticeship Retention and Training (SMART) internship grant program, which combats the shortage of mental health workers in schools. The SMART program awards tuition assistance to aspiring mental health professionals who remain within the district where they apprenticed after becoming certified.
  • Implement the Behavioral Health Learning Collaborative, an online platform for students, parents and educators to access best practices on school safety and student mental health resources.
  • Provide $2,000 per school building to contract with school safety specialists to evaluate the building’s preparedness during an active threat.
  • Provide funds necessary for intermediate school districts to hire both a school and security coordinator and a student mental health coordinator.

The plan, House Bill 6326, now awaits consideration by the House Committee on Rules and Competitiveness.


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