State Rep. Greg Markkanen on Thursday released the following statement regarding recently agreed upon legislation to save small businesses and tipped workers from devastating mandates set to take effect at 12:01 a.m. on Friday:
“We saved small businesses tonight. It may not have been pretty, but we did it,” said Markkanen, R-Hancock. “When you think about U.P. businesses, nearly every one of them would qualify as small. We don’t have the huge corporate chains that you see downstate, it’s not how we do business. The protections we passed tonight are important for all of Michigan, but they will be the difference between life and death for our U.P. communities who simply wouldn’t have survived under the conditions the Supreme Court tried imposing on us.”
House Bill 4002 guarantees all workers have access to sick time while clarifying the strict, complex rules that were originally set to take effect. The plan allows employers of all sizes to choose the sick time plan that works best for their businesses and create unique policies regarding “no call, no show” incidents. The legislation also safeguards businesses from baseless lawsuits and other attacks from left-wing activists.
A plan to protect tipped workers, Senate Bill 8, passed the House Wednesday, maintains the tip credit at 38% through 2025 while implementing annual wage increases, eventually capping at 50% of the minimum wage in 2031. The plan also heightens the penalties for employers who fail to fairly compensate their staff.

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