State Rep. Tom Kuhn, R-Troy, released the following statement Wednesday regarding Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s State of the State address. The governor called for several new programs, including two years of free community college for all high school graduates. Kuhn spent 12 years on the Oakland Community College Board of Trustees, including two years as board chair.
“The most important focus for our community colleges should be student success,” Kuhn said. “Unfortunately, too many students graduate from our high schools with insufficient skills to successfully complete two years of community college. We want to assure that all students who have access to community college, also have access to be successful at the community college level. I don’t see any commitment in the Governor’s State of the State that addresses the need for student success.”
Michigan’s education system is lagging. The state ranks near the bottom of the country in reading scores, with seven out of every 10 fourth graders in Michigan schools unable to read proficiently.
“Our number one priority should be improving the abilities of our students so they can be successful whether at a job, special skilled trade, community college or university,” Kuhn said. “That means we need a significantly improved K-12 education system, and an improved developmental education programs at the community college level.”

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