State Rep. Tim Kelly (R-Saginaw Township) issued the following statement on House Bills 4001 and 4002, the first two bills of the term. These bills preserve tip wages and return minimum wage and paid leave requirements on small businesses to realistic levels.
“I am thrilled that the Republican House Majority has opened hearings into fixing the disastrous policy due to take effect February, 21st of this year, that raises the minimum wage, tip credit, and the Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA). Last summer the Michigan Supreme Court struck down common sense action taken by the Legislature in 2018 that delayed implementation of a ballot initiative orchestrated from California socialists.
House Bills 4001 and 4002 introduced last week will remedy egregious provisions that would likely lead to widespread closures of small businesses and leave thousands out of work. As a top priority of mine, this policy issue and its potential consequences make it imperative to pass this legislation as soon as possible.”

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