State Rep. Jenkins-Arno (R-Rollin Township) was appointed on Thursday to the full Appropriations Committee and four different House Appropriations Subcommittees, covering Higher Education and Community Colleges, School Aid and Department of Education, Labor and Economic Opportunity, and Joint Capital Outlay. Jenkins-Arno was selected to be in leadership positions in three of the four subcommittees, as Chair of both the Joint Capital Outlay and the Labor and Economic Opportunity subcommittees, as well as Vice Chair of the School Aid and Department of Education subcommittee.
“Being chair and vice chair of these important committees is a big responsibility,” said Jenkins-Arno. “My goal will be to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely, while working to make Michigan a more productive state.”
Moving into her fourth term, Jenkins-Arno is tied among all active House members for the most legislative experience. During her first three terms from 2011 to 2016, she served as a member of the House Appropriations Committee.
“As one of the longest serving members of the House, I will use my experience and knowledge to work toward results that will reflect the priorities of Michigan families.”

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