State Rep. Mike Harris and the House Government Operations Committee on Thursday approved a plan to prohibit top state officials from becoming lobbyists immediately after leaving office.
The panel, on which Harris serves as vice chair passed the House Bills 4062-4064 with the three Republican members in support and two Democrats abstaining. The bills would close the politician-to-lobbyist career progression often dubbed the “revolving door” and limit conflicts of interest for lawmakers and state department directors.
“Government officials should do the job they have — serving the people of Michigan — without letting any conflicts of interest distract them from that duty,” said Harris, who serves as vice chair of the Government Operations Committee. “But when lawmakers and top-level bureaucrats can get jobs lobbying for clients as soon as they leave office, Michiganders may wonder if their public servants are setting policy for the state based on the job they want instead. By blocking the legislator-to-lobbyist pipeline, our bipartisan plan will strengthen ethics in state government and set the focus on delivering results for the people.”
HBs 4062 and 4063 would prohibit representatives, senators, and department heads from becoming lobbyists within two years after their tenure. A former official who violates the lobbyist ban would be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.
HB 4064 would prohibit current legislators from receiving pay to advocate for policy in Michigan or any other government. The need for the bill came to light several years ago when a sitting state representative was paid to lobby for the National Popular Vote.
HBs 4062-4064 now proceed to the full House of Representatives for consideration.

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