Rep. Mike Harris, R-Waterford, testifies in support of House Resolution 19 before the House Government Operations Committee in Lansing on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2025. HR 19 prohibits any budget bill that passes the House from funding pork projects for sanctuary jurisdictions that subvert immigration enforcement.
‘We’re turning off the spigot for politicians who thwart public safety’
State Rep. Mike Harris and the Michigan House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a plan to ban pork projects for local governments that attempt to give sanctuary to illegal aliens.
House Resolution 19 changes House rules to prevent the chamber from passing any spending bill that earmarks projects targeted directly to a local government that impedes federal immigration enforcement. The rule change passed along party lines.
Harris, R-Waterford, testified Tuesday morning before the House Government Operations in support of the measure, pointing out that sanctuary jurisdictions obstruct the critical role that immigration enforcement plays in protecting public safety.
“Federal, state, and local law enforcement must all work together to keep people safe,” said Harris, who served a 26-year law enforcement career. “When politicians in Michigan communities try to prevent local police officers from partnering with immigration officials, they make it harder for federal authorities to do their jobs and remove dangerous criminals from our communities. If local governments avoid their duty to protect their communities, they shouldn’t get special earmarks from state taxpayers. With this measure, we’re turning off the spigot for politicians who thwart public safety.”
Michigan has experienced numerous violent crimes committed by illegal aliens in recent years, from murder to sexual assault to a deadly hit-and-run. Harris also highlighted the concerning wave of home invasions by transnational gangs in Oakland County.
“Oakland County families know firsthand the dangers brought by international criminals who break our laws, steal from law-abiding citizens, and put lives at risk,” Harris said. “Law enforcement in our county are vigilant in protecting our community and collaborating with federal authorities, but in other communities, local politicians let their pro-illegal immigration agenda get in the way of public safety. That’s why House Republicans won’t be giving any taxpayer-funded handouts to local governments that obstruct the federal immigration officers who keep our country safe.”
Several jurisdictions in Michigan have dubbed themselves sanctuary jurisdictions or instituted policies to undermine immigration enforcement. For instance, East Lansing last year passed a sanctuary city resolution restricting local law enforcement’s ability to collaborate with federal immigration enforcement, and the Kalamazoo County sheriff has said he will not comply with federal requests to detain arrested illegal immigrants until federal officials arrive.
HR 19 amends the rules of the House of Representatives to prohibit any legislatively directed spending item — a pork project funded just for one specific recipient — from going to a county, city, village, township, or university that has a policy to subvert immigration enforcement or to refuse to comply with federal immigration enforcement measures. A municipality or university seeking an earmark would need to certify to the House that it works with immigration officials and complies with federal immigration law.
The rule would only restrict pork projects. It would not affect the state’s constitutional or statutory revenue sharing or any funding distributed based on an objective formula or a competitive grant process.

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