State Rep. Mike Harris and fellow Republican legislators on Thursday introduced a plan to prohibit high-ranking state officials from becoming lobbyists immediately after leaving office.
Harris, R-Waterford, said closing this revolving door will guard against conflicts of interest to keep term-limited legislators and outgoing state department directors focused on their duties.
“Michiganders want confidence that our elected representatives and other government officials are laser-focused on serving the people,” Harris said. “Nothing should get in the way of that mission to serve, and public servants should avoid conflicts of interest — and even the appearance of conflicts — that could give people reason to question what is guiding our decisions. Our plan will prevent former officials from signing up to lobby for a company or cause during their service and for at least two years afterward. Legislators and bureaucrats should make it clear that we won’t put our own job prospects ahead of the people of Michigan.”
House Bills 4062 and 4063 would prohibit representatives, senators, and department heads from becoming lobbyists within two years after their tenure. A former official who violates the lobbyist ban would be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.
HB 4064 would prohibit current legislators from receiving pay to advocate for policy in Michigan or any other government. The need for the bill came to light several years ago when a sitting state representative was paid to lobby for the National Popular Vote in other states.
Harris has long been an advocate for increasing ethics and transparency in government. For example, he recently voted for a monumental plan to require disclosure of budget earmarks.

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