At the first meeting for the House Oversight Committee on Tuesday morning, committee Chairman Jay DeBoyer (R-Clay Township) announced a new tip line that Michigan citizens can use to anonymously submit suggestions for oversight investigations. Those wishing to make a submission can do so by going to MIOversight.com.
“We have stressed that the goal of this committee is to bring more accountability and transparency to government, and partnering with the people of Michigan will be an integral part of achieving that,” DeBoyer said. “Legislative oversight is an important feature of government by the people and for the people. We cannot have that without including the people in this process.”
The Michigan House voted to give the Oversight Committee blanket subpoena power, marking the first time in recent history this has occurred as opposed to a committee receiving subpoena power on a case-by-case basis. Speaker of the House Matt Hall has repeatedly emphasized that the committee will be very active this term, and DeBoyer expressed his desire to use information and insight from tip line submitters for that activity.
“I would encourage anyone thinking of using our tip line to make a submission,” DeBoyer said. “Whether you are an informed citizen with an idea for an oversight investigation or a government employee involved in misconduct and want to share the details of an incident, we welcome any and all suggestions on how to use this committee’s authority.”

Rep. Jay DeBoyer is joined by Candice Miller, Macomb County Public Works Commissioner, in the Michigan House of Representatives chamber ahead of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s State of the State address on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2025. Miller and Deputy Macomb County Public Works Commissioner Don Brown were DeBoyer’s guests for the speech.
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