Today, the Michigan House of Representatives and Speaker Matt Hall announced that State Rep. Brian BeGole will Chair the Michigan House Government Operations Committee for the 2025-2026 legislative term.
The committee reviews legislation impacting the core functions of state government. Hall also announced that BeGole will serve on the House Economic Competitiveness Committee, which focuses on business development and regulatory issues affecting Michigan’s economy, and the House Energy Committee, which develops policy concerning the state’s energy infrastructure and services.
“We have a lot of work to do and I’m ready to get started,” said BeGole, of Antrim Township. “The last two years saw our state ignore a lot of priorities that people had and instead try to make government an even bigger part of their lives. We need policies that limit government overreach while helping workers, job providers and families thrive.
“I’m really excited that our communities in Shiawassee, Genesee and Saginaw counties are going to have a seat at the table as all of these bills are discussed and go through the legislative process. Our voices are going to matter and help shape Michigan’s future.”
The committee selections follow BeGole recently being named Vice Chair of the House Judiciary Committee and Assistant Floor Leader for the 2025-26 term.
BeGole, who is beginning his second term, represents the 71st House District, which includes Corunna, Durand, Owosso, Perry, Bancroft, Byron, Morrice, New Lothrop, Vernon, portions of Lennon and Ovid, and the townships of Antrim, Bennington, Burns, Caledonia, Fairfield, Hazelton, Middlebury, New Haven, Owosso, Perry, Rush, Shiawassee, Venice and Vernon in Shiawassee County. It also includes Chesaning, Oakley, Brady Township, Chesaning Township and Maple Grove Township in Saginaw County and Argentine Township, Gaines Township, and a portion of Mundy Township in Genesee County.

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